What are the benefits of life insurance


First and foremost, one primary advantage of life insurance is the death benefit. Dying with no life insurance  can create all sorts of financial and emotional problems for those you leave behind.

For example, your family may have to find money for debts, mortgage, bills, funeral expenses, income replacement and more.

There is a huge advantage to having a life insurance policy in force that will pay a death benefit will go to your life insurance beneficiary, which they can use however they wish.

For example, they could pay off the mortgage, replace lost income, or pay off any large debts, such as student loans.

Are there living benefits?

yes. Among the extras that Primerica’s life companies’ clients receive when they begin their coverage is the Terminal Illness Benefit. It can be invaluable to families by supplying part of the death benefit while the insured is still living.

Contact me for a quote or if you have any questions.


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