Remove Reappeared Charge-offs with The Best Credit Repair Services


Having an unfavorable credit score hurts. It annoys you because you know there's nothing much you can do about your poor financial situation without restoring your credit score. However, what hurts more is when an already paid charge-off again appears on your credit report. Although the instances of such a thing happening are less,  they can still put you or your credit repair services in a lot of trouble. So what can you do in order to remove the reappeared charge-off?

Credit Repair Services: Getting Rid of Reappeared Charge-offs

Under normal circumstances, a charge-off account remains on your credit score till the next seven years, but when you clear your dues, the creditor has to remove your charge-off. If you are sure that an already cleared charge-off has reappeared on your credit report, it can be due to the following reason:

Another Collector Bought Your Delinquent Account

Delinquent accounts are moved across the market in great numbers. Original collectors usually give up on them and they are sold with the charge-offs to debt buyers, who then retain the rights to collect the due amount.

In certain scenarios, the charge-off accounts are mistakenly sold without the updated details of cleared dues. Meaning, there's a chance that the collector who bought your delinquent account has no knowledge that you've already paid the dues. As a result, he has again put the charge-off that you already got rid of.

The solution:

Ask your credit repair services to get in touch with the new collector and resolve the matter. If you are dealing with ERC, your credit repair company can dispute to remove the charge-off and restore your credit score.

Moving Forward in Lifestyle has the team of most renowned credit consultors who have helped thousands of individuals repair their credit score with competent Credit repair services. Along with charge-offs, Moving Forward in Lifestyle can help you remove collections, inquiries, late payments and more. You can build great credit trouble-free now. Feel free to get in touch with our experts to clear any queries and doubts.


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